Let me help you every step of the way. When purchasing a home, you are faced with a multitude of decisions! The primary one is whether you are actually prepared to purchase a home...
I will work for you every step of the way! My combination of skill, experience, and technology ensures that I can sell your home for the highest possible price and in the shortest period of time...
Know exactly what you are looking for in your next home? With my search tools you can narrow down your search to only the homes that match! You can even draw the exact area right on a map...
As your buyer’s agent in South Okanagan, Summerland, Penticton, and surrounding areas, you’ll receive top-notch advice from me that will help you to get started with your purchase on the right foot. I know this market well, and I can tell you what the current buying climate is like so that you can time your transaction correctly and have a good idea of what you’re getting yourself into. I’ll negotiate with the sellers for you, ensuring you get a fantastic deal on a new home. Plus, I can assist you with researching down payment assistance programs and low-interest loans.
Whenever an issue arises, I can also be your seller’s representative in the South Okanagan area, Summerland, Penticton, and surrounding areas. My recommendations when selling will be geared toward your unique needs. I’ll guide you through staging your home, getting professional photos taken, and promoting your listing online. I’m respectful of your time and know that you’re trying to reach a specific goal, a specific sale price. I’ll take the time to help you evaluate the value of your home so that we can price it competitively and get it sold quickly.
Contact me today to schedule a free real estate consultation.
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Recent trends and home sales gives me an accurate analysis of your homes worth..